The Central Steuben Chamber of Commerce is once again going to host a Scarecrow Contest.
Our 2nd annual contest will be open to any business in the Central Steuben Area. Our hope is that if businesses aren’t able to create a scarecrow on their own that students and other community members can collaborate with businesses to work together and create one. Think of this as creative marketing!
It is encouraged that the scarecrows be designed to withstand the weather if placed outdoors. But can also be placed in Windows. You will need to submit a photo of your scarecrow outside your place of business by October 21st for public voting. All photos will be put on facebook and our website along with the links to place votes. All votes must be in by October 27th to be valid.
Only one entry per person allowed.
The Top three Scarecrows with the most votes will win a prize. The Winners will be announced at our Trunk-or-Treat event in Pulteney Park Saturday October 28th.
For more information, please contact the chamber Office at 607-776-7122 or e-mail